
Where Have I Been?

You may have noticed I went a little MIA, I posted little in November and December and haven’t posted since January 11, 2022. That was not my intent and I feel a bit bad about it. When I first started my blog last spring, I went pretty ham and was posting every week consistently and loving it. I had lots to say lol! Even though I was really busy, I have a full-time job, I am learning Ukrainian (which is one side of my roots), finding time for myself, my family and my friends, I had a lot of energy and was managing it all.

Then, you know, life got in the way a little. A few things happened that I won’t mention, but mainly I believe I had a little burnout and needed a bit of a rest. And also I moved. I wanted to post, I missed you all, however, my creativity went out the window unfortunately. The stress of finding a place to live that I love and then selling my place all within a certain time frame, is incredibly over-whelming. Plus, I moved to another city (within Vancouver area) but another city. Farther away from my friends and the beautiful community where I had lived and loved for over 20 years. Then factor in realtors, lawyers, banks, purging, packing, actually moving and then unpacking and figuring everything out. So it has been quite an adjustment. I am happy I made the move, no regrets, but I’m not going to lie, I feel a bit like a fish out of water. It will take awhile for me to adjust to that this is now where I live. My friends and family have been wonderful and I couldn’t have managed without their support, they are my rock(s). To my friends and family out there, thank you.

And thank YOU for being patient with me and continuing to read and share my posts. I really enjoy writing and connecting with you all and my main goal has always been to help others look and feel more beautiful inside and out. And I plan to continue.

I am still settling in, figuring out a lot of things, and working toward making my new home a home. I have a new post idea that I will be sharing with you soon and hope to get back into the swing of things ie: posting and sharing again more consistently.

Hope you have all been well.

All the best and until next time…