When To Say Buh-Bye To...

When To Say Buh-Bye To…Your Clothes

My goal for this series is to help you recognize when it is time to let things go. And that it makes sense to let things go that no longer serve you or their purpose. I find with a lot of people, letting things go is a difficult and challenging ask. It doesn’t have to be. All you need is a fresh frame of mind and to be firm and honest with yourself. I am here to help inspire you to see through a new lens, look at things differently, potentially learn something new and maybe have a little fun.

I will start by clarifying that this post is referring to saying buh-bye to clothes you hang on to and do not wear. This will hopefully help you feel ok with letting items go that you are not wearing to clear space for new items and for those items you do wear and love.

I believe that some clothes have an energy that may not be positive i.e.: you have had it for a really long time, reminds you of an ex or an event or another time in your life you would like to move past. I think you probably have some items that carry this energy without realizing it. So why hang on to it? We can get emotionally attached to clothes and that can be a good thing or not a good thing. And because we can become emotionally attached, when you decide to take on the task to purge your wardrobe, you need to be somewhat ruthless. I can say from many years of experience, it is unlikely you will regret letting them go.

On that note, I think we can all agree that we tend to hang on to clothes much longer than we should. You know this is true. I am confident there are many items you have in your closet and drawers right now you know should go. Yet for whatever reason, they remain in your possession being neglected. I think we hang on to clothes for various reasons and maybe these ring true for you:

  • sentimentality
  • it was a gift
  • it was expensive
  • purchased for what I call a fantasy life (it is always ok to reach farther yet not too far beyond)
  • you will wear it when you lose weight
  • one day you will need it to wear to an event
  • it was a mistake buy and you think you will change your mind one day and love it
  • just never get around to purging your wardrobe

In reality, clothes that you keep and never wear stare at you every time you look in the closet and make you feel guilty for not choosing them. Yes, I realize clothes do not have emotions, however, I know you know the feeling of what I am talking about. It is hard not to feel somewhat remorseful.

To assist, here we go, in no particular order, here is a list of when it is time to say buh-bye…

1. It was freeI feel confident in saying that the free golf shirt, team t-shirt or sweatshirt or whatever item that was free, is something you would not have purchased yourself or is something you actually love and fits well. If it was free and you are not wearing it, toss it (what I mean by toss is donate).
2. It was a giftLikely the person who gave it to you is aware you are not wearing it, so you don’t have to pretend. Be gentle and compassionate and explain that it is best to donate it for someone else to enjoy. If the person who gave the gift is not in your life, voila! You are totally free to let it go.
3. It no longer fits, or never didIf it has been awhile and you have not tailored it as you thought you would, chances are you won’t. Maybe the item is not worth spending the $ to tailor. Also, if it just doesn’t fit right for whatever reason, it could be it has a strange cut. or isn’t the right fit for your body type. There is absolutely no reason to keep it if it doesn’t fit properly.
4. It is out of styleEven if it was fabulous at one time, if it is out of style, you will not feel amazing wearing it and likely you are no longer excited about it. It had a good run! I have tried to resurrect something I used to wear and love and you just don’t feel good in it, you know?
5. You just are not wearing itThe reason doesn’t really matter actually. Sometimes you just can’t pin point why you are not wearing it but for whatever reason, you are not. If you loved it, you would wear it. It is unlikely you will change your mind.
6. It was expensiveThe fact that you paid a lot for it and are not wearing it is unfortunate yes, however, this is not a reason to hang on to it forever and ever. Just looking at it reminds you how much you paid for it and are not wearing it and life is too short to harbor guilt. Best to donate it and have someone else really appreciate and enjoy it.
7. It has a stain, tear or snag or whateverIf it has been awhile and you think a stain will come out in drycleaning, at this point, chances are it will not. Or if it has snags or rips, you have to say bye even if you wore it only once, best to make peace with it and let it go.
8. It no longer reflects your current lifeWhy hang on to clothes that no longer is your life? Whether it is work clothes, clothes you wore when you were younger, or at some point in your life that is no longer and will no longer be in the future, it is not who you are anymore. Your life is not going to change back.
9. When you find yourself constantly fixing, fussing, fiddling and fidgetingThis is evidence that it is not the right fit, cut or style. Plus if you are always fidgeting with it, you are not comfortable and this will distract you from enjoying whatever you are doing or whoever you are with. Chances are this is the reason you do not wear it often and is just not worth the anguish and uncomfortableness if all you can think about is that you can’t wait to get home and take it off.

10. You lose weight
It is ok to keep one or two special items that you love, however, no more than that. Fashion changes so fast so chances are it will become out of style and more likely, your preferences will change and you will want something new and fresh that is more updated and that you are excited about.
As an example, I literally just donated this sweater. I think I only wore it a couple of times and then it sat in my closet. I still like it and the colour but I was not wearing it because if it’s cold enough to need a sweater, I need arms for warmth so it did not really work for me.

Final Thoughts

If you are keeping one or two special pieces (wedding dress, prom dress, grad suit etc.) that is ok. However, if you are keeping more, ask yourself ‘why’ you are keeping them. I know some items are special for a reason, however, you do not necessarily have to physically have them in your possession to remember the memories. That is what photos are for.

I recommend going through your closet and drawers and purge twice a year. Doing this twice a year will get you into the habit and feeling comfortable with the process of letting things go. Be strong, it does get easier. If you have not purged your wardrobe in over a year, this is so the right time after reading this post. It is very satisfying and cleansing to rid of clothes that are collecting dust and have stale energy. As I said earlier, chances of regret are very slim and I know you won’t miss them. I personally really don’t think about items I have let go. Remember, you are donating to those in need. Let your clothes fulfill their clothing destiny by making someone in your community happy by enjoying them.

All the best and until next time…