
Stand At The Front Of Class – Being Confident

When I thought of the title ‘stand at the front of class’, I mean this literally and figuratively. I think we all should have confidence in ourselves to stand at the front of class. If you do not have confidence at this time, that is ok, you can practice and learn to become more self confident. It is never too early or never too late to work on and gain self confidence. The reward is feeling good about yourself and is what everyone deserves.

Why is this important you may ask? Because it is. It is so important in your life. Confidence is about how you perceive yourself, and in turn, your self respect, knowing your worth and what you deserve. When you are confident, other people will know it, see it and feel it. The more confident person you are, the more you will attract what you want in life and the more you will get what you want in life.

This little story is why I chose the picture on the post. I was going to a barre fitness studio for exercise classes for a quite a few years (until it became virtual due to the pandemic). Anyway, similar to a dance studio, there was a ballet barre at the front wall of the class with mirrors. There was also a ballet barre at the back wall of the class with no mirrors. So if you went to the back of class, when you use the barre, you would face a blank wall. What I saw occur in every class, is that women would walk into the studio and, you guess it, would head straight for the back of the class. I mean they would bee-line it, like it was instinctual. These women wanted to be as far away from the front of the class as possible and as far away from the front mirror as possible. This truly saddened me. This may be what we would expect from shy children. I felt so sad that these beautiful, amazing women came to class for exercise, to be healthy, make time for themselves and improve themselves, weren’t comfortable or had any confidence to feel comfortable or want to stand at the front of class. They wanted to be furthest from the front of the class and furthest from the mirrors. I assume this is for the reason not to be seen and in hopes to blend in among the others.

So the question is, does this sound like something you would do? If so, why? Take a moment to ask yourself why do you think this would automatically be what you would do? And be honest with yourself, does the reason make any sense or is valid? Run through the scenario of what would actually happen to you if you stood at the front of class. Can you visualize that nothing would actually happen? Other than you conquering a fear and feeling great about it. I do not think that anyone in class would care or judge or think twice about why someone would go to the front of class. Perhaps you believe they would, so this fear is just a fear within yourself and does not have to do with what others would think.

I say, just like how you would conquer any fear, if you pushed through that initial fear and did it anyway, there is a very good chance it would not be a big deal anymore. And the beauty is, is that conquering this could extend to conquering fears in other aspects of your life. It is only you that stops you. It may not even be a fear, rather a comfortable habit you are set in.

I want you to try it. Stand at the front of class. At work, in your relationships, in life.

If you take anything away from reading this post today, I hope it will be this. You do not have to look like a model to have confidence. If you believe that models are the only people that deserve to be confident, that belief is complete and utter ridiculousness. Everyone is deserving.

Here are a few things to do to work on your self confidence, which is mainly to put yourself outside of your usual comfort zone. These are things you can do in every day life to practice being more confident.

  • search for opportunities to literally stand at the front of the class. Classes may or may not be what you are comfortable with now or may not be happening where you live. If not, and in addition, utilize this figuratively for other areas in your life such as presenting, training others, mentoring, putting your hand up at work, leading a project, organizing social events etc.
  • force yourself to do the opposite of what you normally instinctively would do i.e. look for opportunities to get out of your comfort zone in your daily life. There are many, many opportunities to do this daily if you raise your awareness.
  • simply face your fears. When you face your fears, guess what, the fear lessens. It feels amazing to overcome a fear, even if it is small. It makes you feel good, powerful and gives you the desire to conquer more.
  • make the effort to have a full life and enjoy what you do whether that is your job, a hobby, sport, an interest, art, travel, music, learning, studying, family or entertaining. If you have a full life and keep busy, it will help your self confidence.
  • practice walking different than you normally do. Stand and walk with confidence (what that would look like to you). This sounds crazy and you may feel weird at first, however, you will not look weird and your mind and body will respond. Kind of a fake it until you make it concept. Study others, you can see who is confident, and this can be you with awareness and practice.
  • practice and focus making more eye contact with people. Whether you are talking to them or just walking and doing regular things in life, this will help overcome some shyness and help you feel and appear more confident.
  • love yourself, focus on what you like about yourself.
This girl looks seriously confident, like she could conquer anything. It is your internal thoughts that determine how you think and feel about yourself

Final Thoughts

Drilling it down to basics, confidence is a way of thinking. It is your internal thoughts. Thoughts are not facts. You can change your internal thoughts. I encourage you to at least once every week, do something to stretch your comfort zone and put you one little step closer to being more self confident. You will be proud of yourself and that alone will give you the confidence to go further. Keep a private journal so you can celebrate your efforts. As I say in many posts, there is no downside.

All the best and until next time…