The Men's Den

Should You Change Your Hair? For Men – Questions To Ask Yourself

As mentioned, I am not a professional hair stylist, however, with my experience in the modelling industry, styling photoshoots, preparing models for international placement, teaching modelling and self improvement classes, I am able to recognize when an improvement can enhance a man’s look.

Keep in mind that I am providing my opinion from a female perspective. I talk to female friends all the time about men’s hair, fashion, grooming etc. and can say that other females’ opinions are similar to mine. So, yes, this is my opinion, however, I think I speak for most women (not all of course) but the majority.

As mentioned in the similar post I did for women, I will say the same goes for men with respect to that hair requires constant change. Hair should always be moving, transforming, changing and evolving. Why? Because people change, hair styles change, trends change, techniques change and products change, evolve and improve, therefore, we should always be moving along with it.

So with that said, I hope you will take a moment to take a fresh look in the mirror and consider where you are with your hair and your facial hair (also so important!).

Reflect and consider whether your hair and facial hair efforts are up to where they should be. Or, have they slipped into a bit of an effortless situation. We know that men do not have near the amount of grooming requirements that women have. I think it is safe to say less than half the effort as we do? Therefore, in comparison, it should not be difficult to keep up efforts. So if we can, you can. And men’s hair is short!

In the realm of keeping up efforts, I cannot write this post without the mention of baseball caps and overgrown facial hair. This may be a sensitive topic, however, at the risk of being honest, from a female perspective, these are not loved by women. I believe that men like the look of themselves with beards and baseball caps. Women do not. Now I admit that I do not know how the female opinion compares to how male partners feel about beards and baseball caps. However, speaking for most women, we would like these to go away. There is no reason for facial hair to be longer than a soft, nicely groomed, slightly longer 5 o’clock shadow. And there is no reason to wear a baseball cap everywhere you go. At the risk of offending anyone, this is not the most suitable way to present yourself to the world.

To help you determine whether it is time to change your hair, I have put together a list of questions to ask yourself. If you answer yes to one (or more) of these questions, perhaps consider the benefits of an update.

#1. Is your hair the same length allover?If you do not have fuller hair on top, a cut that is one length allover is a good way to go. If you have fuller hair, why cut it the same length allover when you have other options?Dimension is the key. Having shorter hair on the sides and longer hair elsewhere is the most flattering. If your hair is very short allover to control curl, you can have a smidge slightly longer top than sides. Also consider your head shape, different lengths of hair can de-emphasize imperfections.
#2. Do you choose a hair style without taking into consideration your face shape?If your face shape is long, having spiked hair straight up will make your face look longer. Add to a longer face shape, spiked hair and a long beard, this will elongate your face and will look about a foot long. If your face shape is round, your face shape will look even rounder without a side part.With this in mind, go to a new stylist and ask them what they would recommend for your face shape and an updated look. They will know what styles bring out your best features.
#3. Do you always wear a baseball cap?Always wearing a baseball cap is not a ‘hair style’. I would not wear caps in a restaurant, or at a friends place for dinner or event or generally in life (unless you are hiking, golfing, fishing or camping etc.) Caps portray laziness and depending on the situation or event can be disrespectful to your date, the hosts or other guests.If you have fuller hair, make the effort to style your hair. If you do not have a lot of hair, or is shaved, own it and feel comfortable and confident as you are without hiding underneath the cap.
#4. Do you have no part or a middle hair part?Not having a hair part or having a middle part is difficult to pull off. So if you have either, it is likely not giving you your best lookChoose a part on either side. You may have to grow your hair to obtain a side part. Having a part is always more flattering than no part.
#5. Do you have hair so short that you can see scalp?If you shave your head or do not have lots of hair on top and is shaved short, this your look, rock it. If you have fuller hair, this look is military.If you have fuller hair, having it shorter on the sides and longer on top looks good for dimension and interest, but should not be so short is shows your scalp.
#6. Have you had the same exact hair style for more than 5 years ?It would be unusual that the same hair style will work as well now as it did 5 years ago. Unfortunately, you are in a hair rut.If you are always going to a barber, see a hair stylist instead and ask their opinion of what would look good for you. A new stylist has a fresh perspective. You may need to grow your hair in places, but hair grows fast, so it shouldn’t take long to achieve a new look.
#7. Do you have a ‘man bun’?Wearing your hair in a bun-thing is not a ‘hair style’, it’s a ponytail. This portrays an unkempt persona and the trend is gone.Opt for a hair style with longer hair on top that will give you a cool vibe and will be a better alternative
#8. Are your sideburns too long or too short?There is a fine line with sideburn length. Interestingly enough, both too short or too long can make you look dated and older than you are. If your sideburns are sparse, then you need to work with what you have. However, if your sideburns are fuller, try to achieve the exact right length.If you need to grow your sideburns to achieve the perfect length, do so. Often the case I see is sideburns that are too short, please stop the barber or stylist from cropping them too short or too see-through. A bit longer is more youthful, however, too long gives a 70’s vibe that isn’t a modern look.
This is an example of a round face shape, and he also has a round hair cut, round glasses and a round beard. It would be more flattering to have a bit longer length on top with a side forced part. Keeping the sides shorter for dimension as he has is good. I would choose square framed glasses and nix the beard or re-shape it so it is not round.
This is a good look (maybe tidy the top a tad). His hair is a bit longer on top than on the sides and the sides are not shaved too too short (just on the verge though). He would also look good with sideburns to add dimension to his face. His facial hair brings a nice angle to his face, however, his beard could be a little shorter and cleaner.
I used this same model in my post about eyebrows and he has great hair. His sideburns are a good length, his hair is shorter on the sides but not shaved so close that his scalp is showing. And the dimension of the longer hair on top with a side swoop is very flattering
It is not easy to find copywrite free images for what I need but this is close. This man has a longer face shape, kind of spiked hair straight up and a long beard. This makes his head look very elongated. He’s got great hair, I would lower the bangs down a little on his forehead and nix the beard, or a soft slightly longer 5 o’clock shadow.
Oh my goodness…ponytail. He has got great hair and would look great with a modern, polished haircut
Great haircut that has dimension, flattering and a cool vibe. Sides could be a tad longer. I’d skim down the facial hair for a slightly cleaner look

Final Thoughts

Men can get stuck in a hair rut just like women can. There are many different styles you can have if you are open to change. I think some men see going to get a haircut as an errand almost rather than an opportunity for change. Therefore, in that realm, I encourage you to change it up! If you always go to a barber, go to a salon instead. If after reading this post you feel energized or motivated to make a hair change, then congratulations! I say to just do it! And as I always say, what is the downside?

All the best and until next time…