
Is Your Apartment ‘Dating Ready’ Part II

I mentioned in Part I the importance of having a mature, gender neutral, clean apartment when you are dating. Why? Because it is important to showcase you in the best way possible, give yourself confidence, improve your surroundings and portray the right message to your date. Even if you are not dating, these tips can be helpful and may empower you to update your apartment for yourself.

When it comes to our surroundings, we can get stuck in a rut, we are human. And what happens then, is that we may not see what others see. Therefore, first and foremost, it is a good idea to ‘check in’ with your apartment by looking at it with a fresh set of eyes. See what others see. Be honest with yourself, is it time for an update? Change is good. Motivate yourself to make changes, even if they are small.

Let’s get started.

Be a good host

It is important when you are dating to be a good host. I believe that by being ready and prepared, the universe will send. So with that, always be prepared. Always be prepared. No, I didn’t type that twice in error, I wanted to emphasize the importance. The idea is, is that you want to up your hosting game to showcase your maturity, dating readiness and make your date feel special.

Apartment Do’s and Dont’s

I have compiled a list of 10 important apartment do’s and dont’s when dating. These are basic, minimum standards that you can incorporate to make a good impression and be a good host.

1. Minimize the clutter and knicknacks – sweep through and donate items that you do not use or that are not aesthetically pleasingClutter your apartment with too much furniture, too many shoes at the door, too many knicknacks, too many books and well, too much of any items that clutter or gather dust
2. Own a good couch that is clean and not dated – couches are a focal point, this should be your investment itemHave a futon couch
3. Put in storage or hide sports equipment – sports equipment is not meant to be visible or lived along side withHave a dirty bike in the front hallway or in your bedroom
4. Cool photographs of sport activities can be ok if artistic, creative and framed nicelyHave sports pictures or posters (goodness), or lots of sports items, memorabilia etc.
5. Have a headboard – vital, vital, vital!Have a bed without a headboard
6. Have nice, fluffy bed pillows – they should be replaced when neededHave old, flat, stained or hard pillows
7. Showcase one or two special items or family antiques Have your entire apartment furnished with family hand-me-downs (that are too mature or not your taste)
8. Have a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and decent snacks on hand at all times – even if they are not what you eat or drink. Red and white wine, coffee, tea, bottled water and pop as a minimum.Only have tap water or beer to serve your date.
9. Make (or buy) fresh iceServe your date freezer-burned, smelly ice
10. Have a fresh hand towel in the bathroom and liquid soapHave your date wash their hands with the hand soap you used in the shower earlier or wipe their hands on the towel you showered with hanging on the back of your door

Of course, it goes without saying to have a clean apartment inside and out. By utilizing these few, manageable items, you can feel good knowing you are prepared and have made the right impression.

A bed without a headboard portrays a college dorm and is not a mature vibe. It doesn’t have to be expensive, there just needs to be one
If you are a sports enthusiast, this is a good example of a cool sports photo that you can frame nicely – maybe this is you!

I realized as I was typing this list, there were more do’s and dont’s I could include. However, I did not want to overwhelm, therefore, I have stopped at these ones that came to my mind initially. Perhaps I will continue this topic in another post.

Final Thoughts

When dating, all it takes is some time, effort and consideration to be prepared and make the right impression. It does not matter if you are male or female, these apply to be a good host. These tips may seem insignificant, but they are not, they are important. I hope this post helps bring to the forefront often over-looked items that will help improve your confidence and help you on your dating journey.

All the best and until next time…