Fashion & Style

For The Love Of Fragrance

How do you feel about fragrance? I think people are divided, it is either a love or a hate relationship. I am on the side of love. If you are somewhere in the middle, perhaps this post will inspire you to move toward the love.

I think my love for fragrance is the reason why I had a desire to write a post about it. Although to be honest, I am not entirely sure why I had such a strong desire or what direction this post will go but there was an inner voice telling me to write, so here I am! Maybe it was to spread the love? My love for fragrance runs deep so that is why I am sad that we are experiencing changes where fragrances are starting to have a bad rap. I am concerned that this may continue and that mainly, we will become a fragrance free world.

That is sad to me.

I know there are more important challenges, tragedies and sadness we all face and experience daily, and the topic of fragrance doesn’t line up with serious issues, however, all the more reason to look to the little things in life that bring us a smile, joy, an uplift, pleasure, normalcy or a fond memory, like fragrance can. Fragrance can provide the same pleasantries we experience when we smell cookies or cinnamon buns baking.

As you know, in the last few years, more and more environments and workplaces are moving toward scent free. And we all know that it is due to the small population of people who do not know how to properly apply fragrance and went overboard. That one man or woman in your office or that one person sitting next to you on the plane. Because of them, the rest of the population needs to adjust. Doesn’t seem right to me. I understand, but that doesn’t mean I like it. In fact, I feel it is violating my freedom of expression to be forced to be a non-scented person.

Yes, I understand I can wear fragrance in my home or going out for the most part (at this point yet anyway), however, my concern is that based on how this trend is going, one day in the not so distant future, no one will be able to wear fragrance anywhere. It will be banned from all buildings, events, shopping, restaurants, airports, grocery stores and basically all services.

That is really sad.

But I am a fair person and I understand that it is your right to not have those around you wearing fragrance, at the same time, it is my right to have those around me that do. There should be a choice.

The Love of Scent

Scent is our most primal sense. Scent is sensual. It is an attraction, or can be an aversion. Not only with respect to fragrance but our basic body chemistry. Scents trigger memories, emotions, creativity. It can remind us of a person or loved one, a special time in our life, achievements, fond memories and good feelings (or can bring bad memories I suppose), however, let’s focus on the good.

I have a special place in my heart for fragrance. I believe it is a vital part of who we are, like an expression of who we are and a part of ourselves that makes us unique.

I think about how fragrances have changed and how far they have come over time. Fragrances change almost as quickly as fashion does. I remember back in the day when fragrances were thick, strong, deep and musky and we loved them like that. That was what was in style, that was the trend. Thinking back, those scents would be so heavy now.

Today, scents are improved. They are more fresh, light, delicate, refined, sophisticated, complex and intricate. I always look forward to what fragrance trends come our way as it keeps getting better and better and more unique. As an example of unique, Tom Ford’s very popular unisex Tobacco Vanille, such an interesting and unique combination! This concept would not have existed when I was young. You have to admire the ingenuity, imagination and craftmanship that goes into the creation of fragrances.


If you are not quite on board with fragrance, perhaps you have not yet found one that truly is YOU. The one you can wear that makes you feel amazing, put together, ultra feminine or ultra masculine or powerful like you can take on anything. I believe when you find the one fragrance that is you, you really cannot smell it on yourself. It blends in with your body like a second skin.

Find a signature scent

I believe in individuality and that everyone should have a signature scent. If you don’t have one yet, find one. Find one that you absolutely love, that is YOU in a bottle. One that defines your signature sense of style. One that people will associate that scent, with you.

A signature scent to me means that the scent describes who you are and belongs to you. It is yours only. Your signature scent should not be the same or worn by anyone you know. It is exclusive to you.

To find a signature scent means that someone can’t pick it out for you. I am always amazed when people buy fragrance for other people as gifts. What are the chances that that person actually really loves it? Very rare. It is too personal of a gift to pick for someone else. I had an ex buy me a few fragrances, I didn’t have the heart to tell him I am the only one that can buy myself fragrance. Anyway, I had to rid of them as they reminded me of him. Has that happened to you? Anyway, the issue is when others buy it for you, you are left with a fragrance you would not have selected yourself. Btw, I donate my unwanted fragrances to charity.

To find your signature scent, of course the first step is to smell it on the fragrance card to see if it’s a contender. If it seems like it may be an option, next step is to spray it on your wrist, you have to smell it on your body. You can’t make a decision by how it smells on paper or make a decision by how it smells in the bottle. Fragrances change and develop from your body temperature, chemistry and composition. That is why one fragrance will not smell exactly the same on every person. My trick is to spray it on my wrist and go outside in the fresh air, this helps to decide if I like it or not (rather than remain in the store).

I also recommend buying a small bottle. I know the larger size is a better deal but hear me out. First, your tastes can change by the time you have finished the bottle. Or trends change. Or you tire of it. Or if you have several fragrances in your collection, a smaller bottle will stay fresher longer because you don’t use it every day and therefore, haven’t had it for as long. Also fragrance will keep fresher in a smaller bottle as it hasn’t been exposed to light, temperature and air as long as a larger bottle would. Plus a smaller bottle is less money and paying more money for the bigger bottle means money wasted if you do not finish the bottle.

Fragrances can be expensive yes, however, if you think about how much product is actually in the bottle, and how much use you get from it, it is really a good investment in yourself and worth it in my opinion.

How to apply fragrance

There are no rules, you can apply however and wherever you want. Just be mindful you do not go overboard. The idea is, is that no one should be able to smell your fragrance unless they are quite close to you. If people can smell your fragrance from more than a foot away, you should scale back.

As you know, they say (does anyone know who ‘they’ are), anyway, that you are supposed to spray fragrance on your wrists (spray or dab, do not rub) and behind your ears as that is where your pulse points are. I think most people apply this way.

Other ways to apply, is you can spray the air, and walk into it. This provides a more diffused effect. Or only spritz one spritz, one place and stop there. Both of these methods will mean you won’t go overboard and the scent will be more subtle.

Another way to apply is to spray your hair. Some fragrance companies create lighter versions of eau de parfum specific for hair now (great idea!). You can also spray your clothes. However, be selective of the items and go lightly. It can be too much to have your entire closet fragranced.

Me? I do my own thing. This is my secret of how I apply. I spray once only, on my lower chest sort-of upper abdomen area. I don’t know why I started spraying fragrance there but I have done this for years and years. I never spray fragrance on my wrists or behind my ears. I feel my method of application is more subtle and understated. I find it more mysterious, like the scent is coming from somewhere but no one is entirely sure where. Try this method and see what you think.

Final Thoughts

I hope this post encourages you to find a love for fragrance and to find a signature scent you can call your own. I would love to have a fragrance made specifically for me. That would be fun and amazing! But I digress. If you do not have a lot of time to test fragrances, test 2-3 each time you pop into a store or drugstore, then it won’t be so overwhelming. Or, there are now monthly fragrance subscription boxes where they send you decent sized samples each month. This would be a fun way to nail down what you like and help you toward your goal of finding a signature scent. There is one subscription company I hear a lot about if you want to check it out called ‘Scent Bird’ I am not affiliated with them and I have not tried them but is a popular fragrance subscription box.

Join me in a love for fragrance.

All the best and until next time…