Fashion & Style

Tattoos – Trend or Foe?

Disclaimer: If you have tattoos or love tattoos in general, perhaps you should consider not reading this particular post as you may get triggered by my opinion.

If you do not have a tattoo or are considering getting one, or know someone who is wanting one (and you disagree), please read on.

As you know, this is my opinion and may not the opinion of others and that is ok! We are all individuals with our own opinions. You may or may not agree with mine and that is your prerogative. I probably can’t change your mind and you probably can’t change my mind. That is the benefit of individuality. The intent is not to offend anyone, rather to provide my thoughts, perspectives and another angle for those contemplating getting a tattoo.

I am sure by now you can deduce that I am not pro tattoo. I happen to prefer the way skin looks just as it is (and maybe a little tanned or bronzed or glowy) and would rather dress or accessorize to express my personality or a trend.

The reason I decided to write this post is to reach youths that are contemplating tattoos. I am concerned that because youths think tattoos are very cool, they see the short-term gratification and do not really understand the consequences of this type of long-term permanent decision. Therefore, please feel free to forward this post to any young person that is wanting a tattoo, in the hope that this post somehow makes them reconsider this permanent choice they are contemplating. If you are an adult contemplating getting a tattoo, my hope is that you will simply reconsider. If you have read some of my blog posts, you will know that I truly want everyone to look their absolute best.

To start, I think we can all agree that tattoos are a prevalent trend at the moment and have been for the past several years. Very prevalent. It is alarming how popular this trend has become. I was in Las Vegas a couple years ago and everyone, I mean everyone at the pool had a tattoo of some sort, everyone, but my friend and I. I am not exaggerating, we were undoubtedly the major minority. What is happening?? The minority?? I will say, it is entertaining to tattoo watch. Some tattoos are worse than others. This man at the pool had tattoos of human footprints going across his back diagonally, honestly.

The reality is, is that tattoos are a trend like everything else. Trends come and go, Therefore, the tattoo trend will come and it will go. It will. The problem with this trend however, is that it is difficult to ‘go’ if it is inked into your skin. Very difficult to change your mind. So for a trend, this is incredibly risky. How can you be sure that what you want and think will look good now, will be what you want and look good 20, 30, 40 or 50 years from now?

What I do not understand is why people get tattoos on their back or wherever on their body that they can’t even see. What is the point of that? Shouldn’t you be the one to look at it, admire or enjoy? Of course, you would be looking at it upside down, but anyway, why would you put it somewhere where you can’t see, but yet is there for the rest of us to look at? For example, I don’t enjoy the look of tattoos, yes I know you know that. Well someone I was with had one on his back, so he could never really see it, yet I was always the one having to look at it and it wasn’t my choice to get.

What I also do not understand is the attraction to the colours or tones or hues tattoos have as an overall look. Most people choose tattoos in the black-y, blue-y, green-ish, grey-ish tones that appear kind of dull or flat on the skin. Obviously, this is the look. I guess I don’t personally understand the appeal of these tones.

I will say, that from my point of view, tattoos do not make you look more attractive, handsome, pretty, or beautiful. They don’t. They make you look something, but it’s not more beautiful. They do not elevate your style, add sophistication or portray high personal standards. It seems very risky and potentially regrettable as this choice is so permanent. This look is permanent. And the thing is, is that tattoos do look better on young bodies with firm skin rather than older bodies with older skin. And there is the kicker. You cannot envision what this choice will look like when you are 50, 60 or 70. You think you won’t care then, but you will.

You know, I was going to insert a photo here of what tattoos look like on older skin on an older person but I didn’t have the heart. You can google if you want to get an idea of how tattoos actually look and what they portray later in life. However, this pic does show what I am saying about the dull, flat look it has on your skin, or is that just me?

I do, however, recognize that tattoo artists are artists. They are artists with creativity, skills and visions. I can appreciate that. Not everyone has artistic talent. Having said that, I would appreciate and prefer their art on canvas, drawings or photographs etc., again, my opinion.

You can feel strongly about a tradition, love, cause, verse, saying, belief etc., it does not mean that you have to advertise this on your body. You can feel just as strong, or love something or someone just as much within yourself. Tattooing it on your body, does not make it more so. Somehow though, I am concerned that this trend has maybe mislead some people that it does.

Final Thoughts

I am sure you have heard the saying ‘getting a tattoo is like putting stickers on a Mercedes’. I would say it is more like putting stickers on a Maserati. If you bought a Maserati, are you really sure you want to do that?? Wouldn’t that taint the look of that beautiful car? You are the Maserati.

If you are contemplating a tattoo, I would like you to grab a piece of paper or a journal and write down ‘why’ you want it. Reflect deep within yourself and really ask yourself why. Is the why strong enough to know with certainty before making this permanent decision, or is the why more of a trend you want to participate in? I can’t help but wonder if getting a tattoo is maybe related to an insecurity of some kind or lower self esteem. I am sure there are studies on this, I have not researched, however, there may be a relation for some. Obviously, not everyone that gets a tattoo has insecurities, however, perhaps ask yourself if this may play a factor for you.

Final, final thought I promise. Remember engraving? It was nice when someone engraved a watch, ring, necklace or item of jewelry. And it is special or at least it is at first. Then it kind of loses a bit of relevance doesn’t it? I think that is because how we feel and what we feel is within ourselves, we don’t have to look at it to know how we feel. Anyway, something to consider whether the same thing will happen with a tattoo.

All the best and until next time…