When To Say Buh-Bye To...

When To Say Buh-Bye To…Your Shoes

My goal for this series is to help you recognize when it is time to let things go. And that it makes sense to let things go that no longer serve you or their purpose. I find with a lot of people, letting things go is a difficult and challenging ask. It doesn’t have to be. All you need is a fresh frame of mind and to be firm and honest with yourself. I am here to help inspire you to see through a new lens, look at things differently, potentially learn something new and maybe have a little fun.

So, to start, shoes are a fashion item that we wear for just too long.

Having said that out loud on paper (on paper?) I realize how true it is. You too are probably nodding your head in agreement thinking ‘yup, that is true!’ With shoes, I think we say to ourselves ‘oh they’re still fine’. When really, they’re not still fine. We try to squeeze more out of shoes than any other clothing item…like the last bit of toothpaste.

In reality, shoes past their expiry date is the most noticeable fashion offender. There is something about shoes that people take note of.

You probably have heard before that footwear can make or break the whole look you have got going on. Even though we have all heard that saying ‘make or break’ what does it mean exactly? Well, it means that when you are wearing a nice outfit, if your footwear is not up to par, no matter how nice or expensive your outfit is, your look is compromised by poor footwear.

I think it is safe to say that the shoes you wear reflect your personality just as much as your clothes. Your shoes and the condition of your shoes can tell people who you are and how you feel about yourself. You know, that could be an idea for another post down the road! But I digress. What I am saying is, you really need to step out of your own body, look down at your shoes with a fresh set of eyes and be brutally honest with yourself when to let them go.

To assist, in no particular order, here is a list of when it is time to say buh-bye…


1. They make whatever kind of noise when you walk
This will definitely be audible to others and can lend to not a positive reflection on you and also embarrassment. Any Seinfeld fans out there? Remember George with his swooshing pants? Same idea but different. This can tend to happen with man-made material, although, can also happen with leather. If there is any noise, you must pass them on
2. They have become very out-stretchedThis can signify comfort to you, however, this look is very unkempt and unpolished, plus you could literally walk right out of them and hurt yourself

3. The style is really outdated
Seems an obvious point, however, remember that it doesn’t matter if you still love them, or if they’re comfortable or if they were expensive, a very outdated style is noticeable and will affect your overall look. So how can you tell if they are out of style? First, you don’t see similar styles being sold currently. The style of heel is the most obvious way to tell if the style is current or not as heel styles change the most frequent. Secondly, if you find your inside voice asking the question ‘are these are out of style?’ The answer is always yes
4. Scuffed or torn Again seems elementary, however, we tend to sweep reality under the rug and think scuffs or torn leather etc. is not that noticeable, however, everything is noticeable. You can keep these for gardening maybe?
5. They are incredibly uncomfortableIt does not matter how much you paid for them or that you have not worn them, this is a lose/lose situation. If they hurt, you will not wear them, they will sit and collect dust and you will feel guilty whenever you look at them. And if you do wear them, you will wonder why oh why you are putting yourself through this torture
6. It was an impulse buy that you regretWe have all been there. Maybe you purchased a certain pattern, colour or style that you thought you would wear and simply have not, for whatever reason. Feel good about donating them so they can fulfill their shoe destiny with someone who will show them love

7. They carry an unpleasant scent (to put it nicely)
Soles can only take so much wear and foot powder. Realize that they just won’t last as long as you want them to

8. They look bad when you take them off
You may think you will be able to get away with wearing old, worn shoes when it’s on your foot because you believe it’s not that noticeable, however, the truth is hard to hide when you remove your shoes. If you would feel embarrassed removing your shoes at the front door at a party, that is a signal it really is time to let them go
Here is an example, the shoes on the left are a little scuffed and you may think look ok until you compare them to a new pair on the right. The new pair is more clean and crisp so you will not only have a lot more clothing options to wear them with, you will look more polished

Final thoughts

The reality is, is that shoes can physically last and not fall apart for quite some time, however, that does not mean you should continue to wear them until they do. Meaning, you will likely not ‘wear out‘ your shoes before it is time they should go bye-bye. Being at peace with this may help you make the decision to let them go. And it may also help to recognize this when you buy your next pair of shoes.

I encourage you to have a close look at your closet and all your shoes. I am pretty confident there are some that you know you have held on to for too long. Letting go of old shoes can be very liberating and rids stale energy. Try not to convince yourself that shoes do not matter that much because they do. Your shoes have to be at the same caliber (nice, clean, sharp) as your clothes, or more so i.e.: you can wear more affordable clothes and if you have an amazing pair of shoes, the shoes will totally elevate your look. I know you know this, however, it helps to be reminded of the importance of nice shoes.

All the best and until next time…