Fashion & Style

Why You Should Dress Nicer At Home…Even If You Live Alone

I have been, for the last couple of years, upping my ‘at-home-wear’ game. I don’t know what brought this on exactly, it just came to me one day. I think it’s because I love fashion and I like to dress nice when I go out, so I thought, why don’t I do the same at home? Now mind you, I was never one to dress poorly at home, however, I was not on the high end of the spectrum either. Kind of in the middle toward the right. So there was room for improvement.

I have put a lot of thought into the concept of dressing nicer at home lately and see many benefits. And, frankly, I don’t see a downside. I believe that there are positive reasons to dress nicer and feel good about how you look at home and is as important as how you dress when you go out. You may be thinking I am totally crazy and this all sounds like too much effort. However, in reality, if you really think about it, how much extra effort exactly? Instead of throwing on this, you throw on that!

As a society in general, we definitely dress more casual now in all aspects of our daily life compared to in history, however, is that good or bad? I guess that depends on who you ask. In my opinion, I would prefer if more effort was made because it sets a higher personal standard. Which leads me to my next point.

I believe that how you dress tells the world how you feel about yourself. I will also say that this is true for how you dress for the outside world as well as how you dress for the inside world.

The goal of my blog is to inspire you to see things in a new light, to help you look and feel your best and be open to change and improve your self love. Therefore, I am hoping that you will be open and consider that maybe there is something to this concept.

So, to start, I can’t help but wonder, why is it and when did it start that it is ok to wear your worst clothes at home? Why is it ok to wear old, baggy, unattractive, stained or holey clothes? If you wouldn’t wear these clothes out, why would you wear them in? I understand perhaps the thought is that you are at home and therefore, should be able to wear what you want without concerns. And yes, of course that is your prerogative and you can. The question I ask you to consider is, is this the best for your confidence though? Are you so used to a certain standard you don’t question it and accept this way of being and could it be that there is a better way of being?

This is a good segue to introduce the benefits for dressing nicer at home:

  • It will improve your self confidence, you will feel more attractive and in turn, feel better about yourself and have more self love
  • It will improve your overall energy, mood and attitude
  • You will be more productive and get more things done
  • It will help jump start your day when you feel a bit more put together
  • You will attract more positive energy
  • More positive energy at home will bring positive energy in other areas of your life
  • Your partner or whoever you live with will appreciate that you look nice
  • It may inspire your partner or family member or whoever you live with to follow suit
  • It will elevate your personal standards

Now, I am not a psychologist of course, however, I believe there is a link between how you dress at home and how you feel about yourself. Below are questions to ponder on the subject. If any of these resonate, it is not meant to be judgmental, rather, the questions are an avenue to raise awareness that may initiate a change to help improve your self confidence.

  • Are the clothes you wear at home holding you back from being more productive and getting more done?
  • Do you think you will feel better about yourself and more confident if you wear clothes that fit and you feel attractive in?
  • Is there a connection between if you dress in a lazy manner, you will feel lazy?
  • Is it possible there is a link between what you wear at home and why you spend more time on the couch than you would like to?
  • If you are in pajamas all day, is there is a link to why you don’t have energy to exercise as much as you would like to?
  • Do you think by wearing a robe around the house that that relaxation, sleepy energy in a robe will also make you feel sleepy?
  • Could dressing poorly at home have you in a catch-22 situation?

Please know that I am not saying that if you are a busy mom or have health challenges or if you are doing chores etc. you should dress and look immaculate at home. That is not realistic and would be insensitive and that is not what I am saying. What I am saying however, is to perhaps be more aware of where the ‘standards line’ is for you and whether you have crossed over that line without realizing it. And would it help you feel better about yourself if you moved that line over a little and improve the ‘standard’?

Final thoughts

I believe you would experience a positive change by replacing your ‘at-home-wear’ with nicer choices and elevate yourself. Thanks to all the shopping choices we have now, it is possible to find comfortable, affordable clothes to wear at home that look nice and make you feel more attractive and give you more energy.

Below are just three example pictures of ideas you can look for. I hope this blog post inspires you to make a change even if it is a small change to start. Like most people, a change in the right direction and can lead to more inspiration and more change. It’s like when you paint a room in your house, it inspires you to paint another room. If you want to elevate your life, start by elevating your standards and set a higher standard for yourself. It can only have a positive outcome.

All the best and until next time…

This is an example of a fitted, yet comfortable and a nicer look with coordinating top and pant
An easy, wearable, casual dress for at home Auselily approx. $20
If you prefer some length and flow Orandesigne @ approx. $27