Hi lovlies, I’m Karen.

You may be wondering who I am. Allow me to tell you some things about myself. My background is in modelling, teaching modelling and personal development classes, acting, luxury retail sales, makeup and skin care sales and styling photo shoots to name a few. I grew up in a city in Saskatchewan (Canada) and my mom owned a modelling agency. The agency offered personal development classes (a charm school if you will) and professional modelling classes (runway, photography etc). I taught all classes to men and women of all ages for many, many years. I worked with photographers styling photo shoots, selecting photos and preparing models for international placement. At the same time, I had my own company selling makeup and skin care.

I have experience in a lot of different fields and have a keen eye for fashion, styling, makeovers, decorating etc. I am a self taught, jack-of-all-trades-beauty-girl (woman). I know a little about everything. Having said that, please know that I am not self proclaiming to be a professional hair stylist or makeup artist or professional expert in a specific field.

I started this blog because I have spent my life loving all things beauty related and want to share. On top of that love, I have a genuine interest in helping people look and feel the best they can be. In the last few years, I realize that I really enjoy writing! I am not a professional writer of course, and that’s what’s great about a blog is a person does not have to be. My blog is an avenue to reach out to all of you and share my thoughts and to help you look and feel your best. And hopefully provide some entertainment at the same time.

I had a short and fun (albeit challenging) modelling career. I modelled locally for quite a few years, then was scouted at an event and spent two months living in Tokyo modelling. When I returned from Tokyo, I had just reached 21 years old and back then, this was considered past-your-prime in modelling years. Side note, I am so glad to see this has changed over time. Anyway, as a petite model, I struggled with only being 5’5’’and hips that were 36” (maximum was 35” at the time). Needless to say, I did not reach the success I would have liked. Because of these challenges, well, that was my modelling career in a nutshell! However, living and modelling in Tokyo was a pretty cool experience in my life and one that I am incredibly grateful for.

After Tokyo, I moved out west to Vancouver. It was in Vancouver I decided to go into acting. I thought that with acting, it didn’t matter how tall I was or what my hip circumference was, it was about whether I could act. So, as with everything I do, I threw myself into acting classes for almost 10 years and honed a decent craft. I had some acting work, however, grew frustrated at the time spent compared to the success I had. Even though I loved to act (it was an extremely fun challenge, I am so glad I did it and grew from it), I realized the rejection was not for me. The truth is that I learned that being a good actor does not guarantee success and there are so many variables out of your control. I really do miss it though, transforming myself into another character. Every time I go to live theatre or watch tv or movies, I can’t help but yearn.

Anyway, moving forward. I followed my fashion passion and landed a job at a luxury retail department store. Which then lead to sales and personal styling at a small, albeit very busy boutique. With both experiences, in addition to my background teaching personal development and modelling, I grew my desire for helping men and women feel confident and look their absolute, amazing best selves.

Fast forward a few years (ok quite a few), I started an IG page. I wanted to share my ideas, to teach what I learned and have a creative outlet of expression. I started IG four years ago, and have learned that although it is an outlet I enjoy, I would also like to write and connect with people in a different forum. With IG, I feel restricted to have my photo taken as being the only way to express myself. I still have my IG page because I love being creative and styling outfits, however, as with most things, you grow and change and writing is a new love.

So! Here within lies my blog. I want to reach out to you, your friends and family and people from around the world to share my thoughts, ideas, learnings and opinions. My goal is for my blog to be honest and genuine as my mom taught me to be. To share what I have learned and to help you recognize, rethink or reconsider what you see around you related to trends, fashion, beauty etc. I would love it if my blog helped you learn something new that you can use in your life and help improve your confidence and how you look and feel.

Please remember that my blog is my opinion and my point of view. You don’t have to agree with me and that is ok! That is what opinions are, they represent the opinion of the person sharing their opinion! Of course I appreciate that everyone has their own ideas, thoughts, and opinions different from me. These are mine 🙂

I hope you enjoy.